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Computer Group

We run two groups under the headings. We will mainly cover the Microsoft Windows environment, but other topics may get covered if we have enough expertise to do so. The Notes from the Presentations of both groups will be available to download on this web site.

New members would be very welcome. If you are interested, or would simply like more information, then please use the "Contact Us" button at the bottom of the page. We do offer teas and coffees for a very small donation at the start.

Beginners Group

This group is for people with little or no knowledge of computers who want to get started and need help doing so. We offer one to one help to group members to assist with any issues that they may be struggling with.

Current Activity

Spending ½ hour talking about topics of interest followed by 1 ½ hour on one to one help. 

Beginners Group Notes

Beginner Session 1 Notes

Email Notes

Calendar PowerPoint Slides

Calendar Notes


Photo Talk Files


         Photo App

         How to use Photo App

         Saving Photos

Filing and Housekeeping

Intermediate Group

This group is for people with a bit more knowledge than pure beginners, but by no means experts.

We will offer in depth presentations on topics of general interest with hope that everyone comes away with added knowledge.

Current Activity

The aim is to offer two in-depth presentations per meeting, lasting approximately ¾ hr each.

Helpers will be available to assist members on a one to one basis but this will be purely ad hoc and arranged at the time of the meeting. 

Intermediate Group Notes

Backup & Recovery


Windows 10 End

Window 10 Tools

Linux – An Introduction

Home WiFi



     Demo Slides

Information Security


Venue (All groups):

Shaftesbury Room, Christ Church, Reading Road, Chineham, RG24 8LT.


Beginners - second Tuesday of the month

Intermediate - fourth Tuesday of the month


14:00 – 16:00 – Beginners

10:00 – 12:00 - Intermediates

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