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About our U3A

The Basingstoke - Old Basing U3A started in 1999 as Old Basing and District U3A. The original Certificate of

Membership of the Third Age Trust is shown to the right, while the certificate congratulating us on 20 years' membership of the Trust is shown below.  Click on either image to view a larger copy of the certificate.

Our U3A changed its name in 2008 to reflect its increasing membership more accurately. We now have more than 750 members.

The programme of our U3A is detailed in a Handbook, which carries details of the activities we offer and the names and roles of the Committee members. 

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We offer recreational and social activities plus a wide range of educational study groups. The atmosphere is very friendly and informal. If you join our U3A you can join as many of the groups as you wish, subject to availability.

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To view the range of study groups and activities that we offer, please click here or on the Groups menu item above. If your particular interest is not covered, why not investigate the possibility of starting your own group? You have every chance other members may be looking for a new challenge and keen to join a new activity. It is certainly not always necessary to be able to "teach"; you and your group can explore and develop your subject together.

In most months, we hold a general meeting for all members, usually with an external guest speaker, starting at 14:00 on the second Wednesday of each month. Click here for for more details. 


We produce a regular New Edit magazine, which we email to all members. Click here for examples.

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